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Name: Red Eye Relay
Date: July 20-21, 2013
Distance: 100-Mile Relay
Location: Bloomington, Indiana
Course: Two hilly 50 mile loops (Click here to view course.)
Time: 14:21:00
Jo's 1st Leg, Easy Cheese
Jo's 2nd Leg, Porkchop
Jo's 3rd Leg, Grape Ape
Pace: 8:17 (It's actually 104 miles.)
Place: 6 of 32
Division: 5 of 24
Results Link: Click here.
Weather: 60-70°, stormy at times, foggy at times, humid
Notes: I was honored to be asked to be a member of Team Embrace The Chaos for the 100-mile, overnight Red Eye Relay. Our team had seven members, and each member ran three of the 21 legs. I kicked off the relay by running the first leg. It was thunderstorming, but they started the race anyway. That leg was mostly downhill to old Lake Griffy. After I slapped our team bracelet onto Jessie's arm, I joined the crew vehicle until my next leg, which wasn't for another 7.5 hours! All my team members passed people one by one in their legs. I began my longest leg at 12:30 A.M. It was dark, foggy, and hilly, and I could hear night creatures all around me. It was fun to run with my headlamp and crew vehicle. My 2nd leg was very hilly, and I trashed my quads bombing the downhills. After six miles, I passed to Tim and joined the crew vehicle. I was *very* nervous for my final uphill leg. It began at 5:30 A.M., and I surprised myself by not walking once. I passed to Wendy, who eventually passed to Jenna to finish the race in 14:21. I didn't sleep once, but I had a great time. My first Red Eye Relay was the best race I had ever experienced.
Photos: 14 — See below.